África e os africanos em sala de aula: uma análise da Coleção “Aprender juntos” de história do Plano Nacional do Livro e do Material Didático (PNLD) de 2023
Livro didático, Ensino de História, História da ÁfricaAbstract
When analyzing a didactic production aimed at teaching History, especially the textbook, it cannot be concluded that the contents included represent a mere random exposition of historical moments and values. The teaching material in question is constructed based on legislative and normative guidelines, as well as the use of methodology recommended by the organizing pedagogical body, as established by the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC). Therefore, this article is based on the analysis of one of the textbooks approved in the National Book and Teaching Material Plan (PNLD) 2023, aimed at elementary education, especially in relation to the historiographical focus of the “History of Africa”, in order to to investigate the bases that found the teaching of such important content in the understanding and formation of a conscience that allows students to understand the genesis of social ills, through the connection with the identity of each one of them. To this end, the methodology used translates into the bibliographical analysis of the main works by Circe Bittencourt and Maria Auxiliadora Schimdt, as a guide for the critical opposition to the mercantilist notion prevalent in the editorial system and as a basis for the confrontation between the analyzed work and the notion of adequacy to the social reality of students to be faced by the teacher. In the end, it was possible to identify the relevance of the active learning method adopted by the analyzed collection, as well as the appropriateness of using images and articulated questions, in order to promote greater interaction between the student and the text.
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