Pedagogical Content Knowledge based on the Sustainable Development Goals
Perceptions of Pre-Service Teachers
Teacher perceptions, training workshops, chemistry teachingAbstract
Developing strong Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) during initial teacher training is an effective way to enable pre-service teachers to plan and implement teaching and learning practices. For this, it is essential to create spaces that foster a connection between content and pedagogical skills, such as the Institutional Scholarship Program for Teaching Initiation (PIBID). This applied research, with a descriptive objective and a qualitative-quantitative approach, aimed to analyze the perceptions of pre-service teachers participating in the PIBID/Chemistry subproject regarding the development of PCK, based on a training workshop on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). After the intervention and the implementation of an activity in a Basic Education school, the participants completed a semi-structured self-report questionnaire. The data were analyzed using a frequency and interpretive-constructive approach, identifying positive perceptions regarding Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Knowledge. However, this did not necessarily lead to the perception of strong PCK due to the use of technologies. Nevertheless, the workshop allowed for the development of scientific content related to the SDGs and the enhancement of pedagogical skills through PIBID, which could eventually become part of the PCK of future teachers.
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