Perspectiva teórica e histórica da resolução de problemas no ensino de matemática nos anos iniciais
This research is part of the PhD dissertation in Education, entitled “Teachers' Conceptions about Problem Solving, institutionally linked to the Graduate Program in Education (PPGED) by the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU). The study in question sought to delineate the historical and theoretical framework on Problem Solving (PR) as a methodology, bringing the main theories and also proposing PR from the davydoviana perspective. The methodological approach was qualitative research, with the consequences of theoretical research. After the presentation of the main theories of PR, we used Davydov's theory, which proposes a teaching-learning-development process of mathematical content based on the study activity that marks the formation of the student's theoretical thinking. PR, in Davydov's perspective, is addressed in the student's study activity, which, based on the situations of difficulty proposed by the teacher, is involved with solving problems in the development of tasks. Davydov's proposal focuses on the appropriation of mathematical content and the development of PR is based on validated scientific aspects for the development of the subject. Davydov's perspective differs from other PR theories, as he presents the concern with the appropriation of concepts and the formation of theoretical thinking. We clarify that the PR in this research, before any action, prioritizes the trajectory that is taken before and during the resolution of the problem, since this line uses the contents and scientific foundations, which really matters for the training of students.
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