Aproximação à escola com pesquisa no estágio de futuros professores durante o confinamento da Covid-19: narrativas luso-brasileiras
narrativas luso-brasileiras
In this text, the result of a research is presented, whose object of analysis is the Supervised Curricular Internship (ECS), which took place during the confinement caused by the global pandemic called Covid19. The objective is uncover, through (auto)biographical narratives, the experience of ECS in the initial training of teachers in Brazil, Instituto Federal Goiano and Portugal, Universidade do Minho in the fateful scenario of this unusual period. As a methodological procedure, it used (auto)biographical narratives, from researchers and (auto)biographical narratives, from interns described in portfolios. The results indicate that, despite the perverse effects of the pandemic on internship practices, such as difficulties in concentrating interns, accessing synchronous classes, and reconciling family and study time in the same environment, interns (the ) provided significant feedback, starting with the collaboration with accompanying/supervising teachers, in the face of virtual diagnosis activities and preparation of a teaching and research project, demonstrating an investigative, reflective stance on the various facets to which the school was subjected in the remote teaching process.
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