O trabalho docente na pandemia do covid-19: um recorte na educação superior
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to reflect on the teaching work and its precariousness during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. Therefore, the difficulties encountered by professors of higher education in this scene are sought out, using as an example, the experiences reported by professors at a University in the Southwest of Goiás. The methodological path that guided this research was the theoretical one, apprehending the real movement of the object, through historical-dialectical materialism. It is developed in four sections. The first presents the impacts caused on education with the appearance of the virus in the world until its arrival in Brazil. In the second, it is theorized about the work and the teaching work, presenting the main theorists who have studied this theme. Then, it reflects on the pedagogical practices developed by the teachers, as well as how they were affected and modified by the pandemic, having as consequence the precariousness of the work, that significantly affects the health of the teacher causing them suffering. Finally, considerations about possibilities to minimize losses in teaching and possibilities to improve the living and working conditions of teachers are presented.
Keywords: Teaching work. Pedagogical practices. Precariousness.
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