Equoterapia como Terapia Auxiliar no Tratamento de Aluno com Transtorno do Espectro Autista e Discalculia
estudo de caso
This work aims to document the history of the Equine Therapy Center (CE) do IFMG Campus Bambuí and the work of the team that serves people from the city of Bambuí-MG and region. To exemplify the work of this team and the gains for practitioners served by the CE. It was chosen to exemplify the benefits of the Equine therapy the case of a student from the state education system received with a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder and who was later diagnosed with dyscalculia by the multidisciplinary team of this service center. Individualized planning and work contributed to expressive gains in self-confidence, in the autonomy of the student-practitioner for everyday tasks, evolution in learning math operations with the support of concrete materials and in socio-educational gains, confirming the researchers' understanding that Riding Therapy or Equine therapy is a socio-educational inclusion strategy.
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