A utilização das tecnologias assistivas para alunos surdos em tempos de pandemia
um estudo introdutório
The present study aims to present a discussion about the teaching-learning process of deaf students through the use of assistive technologies in the context of the new coronavirus pandemic. The central objective of this bibliographic study is to highlight the relevance of assistive technologies as a tool to support the teacher for the inclusion process of deaf students. It is observed that the information and communication technologies present a diversity of characteristics that can help in promoting meaningful learning for the deaf, even in the remote education modality, since these can contribute effectively to the development of knowledge , skills and competences of these students. It is noteworthy that the inclusion of deaf students is a challenge for teachers, who are often not prepared to deal with the different learning difficulties faced by these students. It can be concluded that the use of assistive technologies in the education of deaf students has numerous potentials, as well as bringing its challenges. However, if the technologies are applied properly, it is believed that the benefits obtained in the learning process of deaf students will be shown in a significant and evident way.
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