A educação no brasil na onda das transformações dos séculos xix e xx: reflexões sobre a modernidade e a modernização


  • Juliano Guerra Rocha Universidade Federal de Jataí,(UFJ), Jataí, Goias, Brasil, professorjulianoguerra@gmail.com
  • Gabriela Marques de Sousa




Since the Independence of Brazil, different initiatives have attempted to establish a modern state; however, a social and political scenario marked, above all, by the ideals of colonization, the mixture between private and public, the slave system and patriarchalism, has made rational ideas the provinces of the country. In 1889, the Republic was installed in the midst of crises and disputes, being composed by a government based on the American and positivist models. From then on, science and education were propagandized as elements to take the country out of backwardness. In light of this, starting from a reflection on the conceptions of modernity and modernization in Europe in the XIX and XX centuries, this work analyzes both ideas in the political-educational transformations in Brazil, between the imperial and republican period. In the course of the article, the historical relationship between education and civilization is also evidenced, in order to understand the ways in which the Brazilian school was conceived.


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How to Cite

ROCHA, Juliano Guerra; SOUSA, Gabriela Marques de. A educação no brasil na onda das transformações dos séculos xix e xx: reflexões sobre a modernidade e a modernização. Itinerarius Reflectionis, Jataí-GO., v. 16, n. 2, p. 01–15, 2020. DOI: 10.5216/rir.v16i2.58025. Disponível em: https://revistasufj.emnuvens.com.br/rir/article/view/58025. Acesso em: 9 nov. 2024.



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