Terapias alternativas na atenção básica como estratégias para o enfermeiro no cuidado holístico dos pacientes
This article present an analysis of alternative and complementary in health practices (ACHP) like Reiki; Acupuncture; Chromotherapy; Homeopathy, Herbal Medicine, Yoga. These consist of therapeutic methods that transcend the techniques acquired and standardized until then, involving the human being in their biopsychosociospiritual field (holistc view). This practices working in field of prevention, promotion, maintenance and recovery of health, coinciding with the proposal of primary health care units where Integrality is one of the guiding guidelines for the action of care. Thus, qualitative bibliographic surveys were conducted in the studies, research, articles and essays to demonstrate the effectiveness of these therapies, as well as their resolution as a valuable tool in this art of care. As nurses, the main managers of this health unit, they play a key role in deciding which program to implement to extend care to society. With this publication, it is expected that Nurses professionals understand the importance of these practices in primary care, and still understand why knowing them and applying them as alternative methods to allopathy.
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