Uma experiência de projeto de letramento crítico com literatura negra feminina


  • Viviane Cristina Vieira UnB
  • Rayanne Oliveira Fontenele Vasconcelos Universidade de Brasília



ABSTRACT: In this research I present the initial perceptions of the project “Inspiring Women”. The objective is to analyze the students' representations in the school environment and the reproduction of social prejudices. Based on the Critical Discourse Analysis (SUPRIMIDO) and the modes of operation of ideology (THOMPSON, 1995) we investigated the discourse of racial prejudice and gender in the school context. The research was developed in a public Elementary school, in Sobradinho - DF, with students of the seventh year. The results reveal that from an early age the image of the young black man is already built as a social threat and a body that the state can violate.

KEYWORDS: racism, gender, Inspiring Women education.


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Author Biography

Rayanne Oliveira Fontenele Vasconcelos, Universidade de Brasília

Licenciada em Letras Português e Respectiva Literatura e estudante de Letras Espanhol pela Universidade de Brasília, bolsista de iniciação científica – PIBIC/CNPq, membro do grupo de pesquisa Núcleo de Estudos de Linguagem e Sociedade (NELiS – UnB), Brasília, DF.



How to Cite

VIEIRA, Viviane Cristina; VASCONCELOS, Rayanne Oliveira Fontenele. Uma experiência de projeto de letramento crítico com literatura negra feminina. Itinerarius Reflectionis, Jataí-GO., v. 15, n. 4, p. 01–16, 2020. DOI: 10.5216/rir.v15i4.60410. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 feb. 2025.



Dossiê: Linguística e Literatura