As Literaturas de Língua Inglesa como Ferramenta para Instigar a Aprendizagem de Inglês no Ensino Médio a partir da Identificação Social e Cultural
The article attempts to discuss the relevance of literary texts in the English language classes, attempting a work which seeks the social and cultural identification of learners with a literary work. In these terms, the corpus shaped by the poem “The Burglar of Babylon” (1965), by the American poet Elizabeth Bishop, was used in the teaching internship in the undergraduate course in Languages (Portuguese and English), whose focus was on the use of English-language literatures. The objectives that permeate the article are to arouse interest in the literary reading of texts from anglophone countries and cultures; promote interaction and cultural / social identification between the subject and the text; instigate the student's desire for English language works of literature and possibly generate interest in language learning. The adopted methodology follows the steps of the classes taught, prioritizing a detailed analysis of all steps. The analysis begins from the moment of reception of the work, following until the moment of production made by the students themselves. The research proves the relevance of exploring the literary text in English as a tool that fosters the interest of learners, combining the interest in literary reading and the language whose work was written.
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Os artigos encaminhados para publição na revista ITINERARIUS REFLECTIONIS deverão ser originais e não publicados ou propostos para tal fim em outra revista. Aceitam-se artigos escritos em Português, Espanhol e Inglês. A revista ITINERARIUS REFLECTIONIS se reserva o direito de efetuar, nos originais, alterações de ordem normativa, ortográfica e gramatical, com vistas a manter o padrão culto da língua, respeitando, porém, o estilo dos autores. As provas finais não serão enviadas aos autores. Texto sobre Copyright do conteúdo da Revista.