O MÉTODO DA ECONOMIA POLÍTICA - Breves considerações sobre o método dialético materialista de Karl Marx
In order to summarize some general information about the question regarding the
Karl Marx?s materialist dialectic method, our objective is to verify, briefly, the way that he
elaborated his analysis when studying the production mode of the capitalist society. The core text
that we propose to our brief consideration is part of the draft that Karl Marx suppressed of the
general introduction the political economic method, as himself testifies in the preface of the book:
to the critic of the political economy, published in 1854. He highlighted: I suppress a general
introduction that I had drafted because, in a deeper though, it seems that more harmful all
anticipation of results to be proved…. “To the contribution of these introductory lines, in addition to the referred text, we will include others such as: Preface and afterword of the book the Capital;
Philosophical-Economical Manuscript; and the Introduction to the Economy Critic. Considering
all theory richness and the complexity of the text in study, our brief consideration can be
translated in two questions. First: which are the critics that Kark Marx did to the economist of the
XVIII century, and why did he do? Second: from the political economy point of view, which are
the results reached by the materialist dialectic method in the dimension of science, having as
reference, the capitalist society?
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