O ensino de li para alunos com nee: experiências e reflexões no âmbito do pibid

experiências e reflexõesnno âmbito di pibid


  • Joel Victor Reis Lisboa Universidade Federal de Uberlândia




This paper aims to present activities developed with students with special educational needs within the scope of the Institutional Program of Teaching Initiation Scholarships (PIBID), as well as to reflect, from the analysis of the experience report of the scholar, on the principles that underpinned the conception of the activities and guided the pedagogical practice. Moreover, we draw reflections on the importance of PIBID regarding the challenges of inclusive education, especially concerning the training/qualification of teachers, the provision of pedagogical support for schools in the public sphere of education and the opportunity for teaching praxis for undergraduates. In regard to the activities developed, it was observed that the language teaching integrated to multisensorial activities, practical experiences, the use of technological resources and the need to involve students in all stages of the teaching-learning process contribute effectively to vocabulary acquisition by students with ADHD, as well as to the concentration and interaction of students throughout the vocabulary acquisition process.


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Author Biography

Joel Victor Reis Lisboa, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Degree in English Language and Literature at the Federal University of Goiás-Jataí Campi. Undergoing Master's degree in the Post-Graduate Program of Linguistic Studies of the Federal University of Uberlândia. E-mail: joelvictorlisboa@gmail.com. 



How to Cite

LISBOA, Joel Victor Reis. O ensino de li para alunos com nee: experiências e reflexões no âmbito do pibid: experiências e reflexõesnno âmbito di pibid. Itinerarius Reflectionis, Jataí-GO., v. 15, n. 2, p. 01–15, 2019. DOI: 10.5216/rir.v15i2.58377. Disponível em: https://revistasufj.emnuvens.com.br/rir/article/view/58377. Acesso em: 3 feb. 2025.



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