BEFORE AND AFTER MISOGYNY: A Psychoanalytic Discussion


  • Deborah P Britzman FRSC, Distinguished Research Professor and Psychoanalyst - Faculty of Education, York University, Toronto, Canada



: For those of us working in the fields of education and psychotherapy, the insistence that misogyny affects us all brings to the forefront the painful question of lifting negation in order to think of one’s own contribution to disclaimed bodily hatred. Thinking with the psychoanalytic temporality of before and after, misogyny is approached as a mental constellation of the mind’s attraction to the disavowal, objectification, and depersonalization of gender and sexual fluidity. I examine the psychical consequences of the emotional logic of insidious misogyny in practices of education and the clinic that resists working through their role in dissociated externalized mental states. My focus is on the generation and diffusion of psychical defences of ideality, splitting, denial, and disavowal of difference that compel phantasies of omnipotence and present as attacks on what comes before and after the human condition, namely: natality, bisexuality, dependency, vulnerability, and love for the maternal environment. Themes of feminism, psychoanalysis, and queer theory are offered as a counter-depressant.

Keywords: thinking, deferred action, negation, ideality, symbolic collapse, reparation. 


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Como Citar

BRITZMAN, Deborah P. BEFORE AND AFTER MISOGYNY: A Psychoanalytic Discussion. Itinerarius Reflectionis, Jataí-GO., v. 13, n. 2, p. 01–20, 2017. DOI: 10.5216/rir.v13i2.46455. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 mar. 2025.



DOSSIÊ: Educação, Relações de Gênero e Diversidade Sexual.